Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 7

Posted on day8 because Lil started crying out as I was about to post and would wake and cry every time I left.

Trying to bang this out before doing some dishes and hitting the hay. I think my internal clock is set for sleep at 9pm.

Curry from last night stained the plastic part on the blade of my food processor....It might have been because I didn't clean it till this morning. Whoops.

Went to Derek's company party with huge success. I didn't eat a single bite. Wasn't even tempted. I also didn't look at the food either and spent my time feeding Lil lunch and then socializing. We left after a couple hours because Lil was ready to crash. 

Went grocery shopping and still have to stop at Whole Foods for a couple of items that were ridiculously more expensive at Shaw's. Made a delicious pesto, then started dinner....mmmmmmmm good. 


Breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg, 2 deviled eggs (made these on the fly and they were quite tasty), melon. Yeah. Yeah. No veg, I know.

Lunch: Forwent the party food and had some grilled chicken and baby carrots in the car on the way home.

Dinner: Another home run. Hot plate consisting of the following: red cabbage, onions, zucchini, ground beef, onion powder, garlic powder, s&p, Penzey's spice blend Tsardust Memories. Yeah...I had seconds.

We go to load a Dexter for after dinner but apparently we are all caught up, so Derek goes searching on Amazon Prime for a movie to watch and asks if I want to watch a food documentary. That's right. My husband asked ME if I wanted to watch a documentary about the perfect human diet. My husband whose diet prior to me cooking for the Whole30 was comprised of cereal, oatmeal bars, ice cream, rice, pasta, and bread is showing interest in nutrition. THIS IS HUGE.

Off to wash some dishes then snoozing.

Oh, right. Feeling good still. Really good actually.

Strange note. I always change directly into my yoga pants when I come home. Stayed in my jeans for hours today. Maybe because they are looser and becoming more comfortable like yoga pants? Is my logic straying while on this Whole30? 

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