Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 2

Note to self: Get bigger kitchen.

Prep is, for the most part, done. Thankfully. The whole house is running on little sleep. Poor Lil woke up screaming after 40 minutes into her afternoon nap because she was so damn tired and couldn't fall back to sleep. It took a good hour for her to stop crying and make her way back to slumber. I napped with her till my sleeping arm woke me up. It was needed. That headache from yesterday morning stayed with me through the night. You know the kind that makes it so you can't even lay down and sleep even though that is the very thing your body needs most? The kind that throbs to the point of making get out of bed to stand under a hot shower? This family took advantage of the rainy day and took our mandatory rainy labor day naps.

Other than the crap headache which I don't think had anything to do with Whole30 and everything to do with the one glass of wine, little water, sugar, and lack of sleep from the night BEFORE starting my Whole30 that did it, I really feel quite good. I have been putting the recommended amounts of protein/fats and eating till I'm full which, so far, has been carrying me over nicely to the next meal. No snack cravings last night. 

On to todays food:

Lil and I had a quiet little breakfast together while her Daddy slept. I ate some reheated green pepper and onion frittata (which I overcooked, bleck...) topped with avocado and salsa and a side of melon. 

Lunch consisted of a ginormous grilled chicken salad with lots of veg, raw cashews, and balsamic vinegar and olive oil to dress.

Around 4:30 I had a handful of toasted coconut and slivered almonds simple because I wanted to. I wasn't hungry, but it smelled so damn good toasting in the pan, how could I not?

Dinner was delicious Pad Thai from Well Fed. Oh. My. Goodness. Sunshine sauce is going to get me through the next 28 days no problem. I was stuffed and couldn't finish my portion, but there was no room in the fridge for leftovers, so Derek gladly ate what I couldn't.

I should prep lunch and breakfast for tomorrow, but I'm zonked and still need to get little Miss to fall asleep. There is always the morning.

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